Why would you give extra power, when they disregard the DFE guidance as it is

Published on 25 February 2025 at 23:18

I was scrolling and stumbled across some FOI responses.

I went back to the bill just to double check that it is the governments plan to give the LA even more powers and duties over families. In particular families who home educate.

Yes that is hollered at an excruciating decibel throughout The Children's Unhappiness and Surveillance Bill (known officially and by the government as the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill.)

So then I went to doublecheck the current Government EHE Guidance 2019 which Local Authorities are supposed to follow.

I checked and the guidance has not been changed it definitely says on pg 18 ", an authority should not dismiss information provided by parents
simply because it is not in a particular form preferred by the authority"

So what is with these FOI answers. There will always be a power imbalance between the state and citizens so it important as a minimum, arms of the state both uphold the law, and more than that are perceived to act lawfully and fairly. If they can not do this they need less powers and duties in that sphere not more.

If any of these are your Local Authorities it might be time to educate them on the government EHE guidance and what engagement actually means.




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